Articles & Letters
- Download The Spiritual Significance of Music - Book 2, edited by Justin St. Vincent. Jack's contribution to this book appears on page 105.
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"This book contains many fine contributions from well known musicians and I am honoured to be placed with them, and accept it with great humility." - Jack Lim |
- Qi Energy Sounds Powerful - Conscious Living Magazine
- Cancer Care - by Jack Lim and Fiona Liang
- May the Knowledge of Qi Energy Spread Through the World - by Jack Lim
- Letter from Lyn Wedd
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Hello Jack! Your beautiful music continues to create a lovely energy in my shop. So many of my customers that purchase your music return to tell me of the positive effect it has had on them, which is so lovely to hear. Being in retail I have access to many beautiful creations of music but your gift in your music is the only creation I play in both my shop and in my healing room. Thank you! Thank you! Light, love and happiness. Lyn Wedd |
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- Email from Ursula Simmons
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Hello Jack, I wanted to send you an email to say hello and to share a story with you. My name is Ursula. My mother, Gerda and I met you some time ago and attended a Qigong session at Westerfolds Park. 2 weeks ago, I gave birth to my first baby, a girl. Throughout my pregnancy I played, through headphones, your music to our unborn child, and when in the labour ward also played your "Sublime Happiness" and "River of Love". Now, when our little one, becomes unsettled, I just simply play the cd and she listens, wide eyed, and becomes somewhat settled. I've attatched a couple of photo's. One of myself with my new daughter, and one with my mother, Gerda with her new grand-daughter. Our little angel is called Sian, it's pronounced Sharn. It's meaning is 'Gods gracious gift'. With warmest wishes, From a new mum, Ursula and new daughter, Sian and grandmother, Gerda. |
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- Email from Erik Skjervagen in Norway
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Hello Jack All my clients tell me that they are relaxing very well when they hear the music, as you already know one of them has ordered some CD's to play at home. From now I am always playing your music when I am treating patients. I will tell more about their reaction further on. I and my family have tested the CD's. Different things happens when we play the different pieces.My daughter can see that our aura expands and that energy from heaven rains more and denser when we play the music. I have tested all the pieces for different movements and many things happens. When I am playing "Inner Peace" and "River of Love" the movementes are gentle and most movements are different hand positions. I am also getting very relaxed. When playing "Clearing Anger" no movements occur but I can feel cold energy comming out from the legs (both on the liver and gall bladder meridian). "Positive Thinking" gives movements from the back through the stomach. My wife started crying when she heared "Sublime Happiness" for the first time and she feels very strengthens when hearing positive thinking. I would like to order your DVD with the Great Stork Qigong if you think I am able to learn properly from it. Erik. |
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- Jack's reply to Erik's email
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Hello Erik. Glad to hear from you. You, and actually your whole family, are very in touch with the Qi, the essence of the Universe as seen from your immediate response to the Qi music. "Inner Peace" and "Sublime Happiness" are deeply moving so sometimes tears do flow, and in some it is a release or a clearing. The most important thing in Qigong training is purity of the heart, and no doubt you have this. The DVD and the video of the Great Stork Qigong present all the movements so slowly and clearly that it is possible for you to teach the whole set after being fully acquainted with it, especially as you have a good foundation in Qigong with the right heart. Best wishes to you and your family, Jack. |
- Jack wrote the following in reply to a very kind letter. Written on the spur of the moment, he feels that its contents would be helpful to understanding how his music came about. With this understanding, those who have this music may be able to better utilize it.
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Thank you for your letter and interest in my music. You told me that you were able to meditate and pray for your family as you listened to "Inner Peace". This piece of music has touched the hearts of many people and is very special to me. Perhaps I should tell you how this music came about. I have been a student of Qigong since my youth, when I was guided to practise this ancient art to recover after a serious illness. In Qigong we endeavour to be in connection with the energy of the Universe, both physically and spiritually. This not only makes us healthy, but also builds up our resources so that the Qi energy field of one person may be able help another person. I had been engaged in Qi healing when I felt that there were so many people in need of help that one-to-one healing was too limited in nature, and a voice seem to tell me that my healing could be carried in the sounds of music, and that I should do this. I prepared a studio and early one Sunday morning at 5.30 I could hear a most beautiful melody in my head, so beautiful that I just had to get out of bed and play this. I recorded as I played, and as the music guided my fingers, I could see in my head that I was in 18th century Paris - all the people were holding hands and dancing, and ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD WERE BROTHERS AND SISTERS. It was such a beautiful feeling. I felt waves of warmth flow to my heart, such love and harmony. I played on, disregarding rules of beat and rhythm, just playing as I felt the flow should be. Afterwards, I could not change one note. As I listened to the recording I had the same feeling in my heart come back to me. I took it to my class, and the Qigong students could all feel this and wanted a copy of this music. Later I had a factory make copies, and later CD’s had to be made. A radio station in South Australia played this one day, and a truck driver who heard this in the desert near Alice Springs went to all the music shops in Adelaide after returning to the city, trying to find the CD. I was told this by a music shop that had to find the source of the music from the radio station. They ordered a copy for him. The recorded sounds carry the Qi energy field in which there is much more than magnetic energy. Thought is also carried, so when I send the Qi, the thought for healing goes with it, such as in "Clearing Pain and Positive Wellbeing", where I think of a cascade of golden energy flowing through the body clearing the blockages and cleansing, and after that I bring in the golden light- the nurturing Yin energy from the deep sea to replenish. (Many Reiki Masters are now using this music in their sessions as it is so similar to what they are doing; when massage therapists are selecting my music, this piece is always included.) .Sometimes I add some voice to the first few minutes of the music, so that the listeners know where I am placing them. There are such words as: "The dawn is breaking..." "I take you to a beautiful forest...the air is so pure... The flowers..." "You are standing by the seaside". Whether during the voice passage or after the voice passage I am still sending out, what the Chinese call "Qi messages". There are a number of my CDs that are just music only. In these, I am not directing the Qi energy flow- such as in the "Sublime Happiness" CD- I am just transmitting the wonderful feeling that I experienced when this music came to me. It was a feeling of complete bliss and I felt myself floating on the wisp of a cloud. A smile came to my face as I played, and so many people have a smile rise to the face also as they listen. This CD carries the inner smile; it also clears sadness. So many Hypno-Birthing professionals in the states of Victoria and New South Wales are now using this piece in their classes for pregnant mothers. At the request of many of these professionals, I have now given permission for them to use this music in their recordings for mothers - it is a free licence to do so. In the catalogue I am sending you, there are six CDs. There are now three more. "Positive Thinking and Confidence" is now in CD. (This carries powerful Kidney Qi energy from the sea). The CD called "Relax & Breathe Easy" is another one which was in audio tape before. This was made to help people with breathing problems, opening up the lungs and relaxing. The most recent CD which is for clearing depression and stress is called "Uplifting and Inspiring". In this one, Qi energy from the sea is sent to build up Kidney Qi, as depression and weakness of resolve happens when the kidney Qi is depleted. All of these 3 CD’s have a voice passage in the beginning. These are in us in various clinics also. When used as background for healing sessions therapists usually have the volume very low for the first five minutes if they do not wish to use the voice passage. For those who wish to learn Qigong, the Great Stork Qigong course is now also in DVD besides the video. There is another video for learning Qigong, which is called "Cancer –We can beat it!" This teaches the special set of walking Qigong, which according to reports is used with encouraging effect by most cancer patients in China. I used to teach all my Qigong students this set of walking Qigong. You enquired about the video "Inner Peace". This is still available I am glad to say. This video has been played throughout the wards of the Masonic Hospital in East Melbourne every morning. With the music of the "Inner Peace" CD in the background, I take you to beautiful lakes where the lotus flowers and water lilies are in full bloom. You have time to really enjoy the scenes. I also take you on long walks through the Taoist temple gardens at Qingcheng Shan, where for thousands of years the priests there have been sending out healing energy to the world. Here the flowing streams are crystal clear, so too is the "Clearing Heart Pool" where there was spiritual cleansing of the heart for thousands of years. (Actually this is where I take the listener in the "Clearing Anger" CD. The heart and the liver are sisters, and the sparkling stream flows through the liver, cleansing the liver, clearing out that which is blocking out the purity of the inner self). While viewing this, one may be aware of the Qi that is carried in the images and which can be felt. This is because I took all these images myself. Many of my students and their friends have been to these gardens on tours to China that we have organised. These tours are still being organised. When people ask me how to use my music to gain the best effect, I usually advise them to "take in", to "absorb" the music and this should be effortless, and one need not really try. Doubtlessly, you were in no need of any advice or guidance in this regard. You have contacted the essence of my music. Thanking you again for your very kind letter. Yours sincerely, Jack Lim |
- Letter from Pamela Lambert
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After the birth of my child, I had great difficulty breast feeding my baby after a caesarean section then resulting infection after the operation. I was determined to continue breast feeding, as this was a very special baby and could be my only one. |
- Letter from Mark Robinson
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The music is beautiful and I have been getting other people interested in it as well. I look forward to eventually collecting all of your works. Take care & God Bless. |